Modern Times 1935 1936 1937 next previous
Modern Times Clippings 126/382
Motion Picture Herald, New York, January 12, 1935.
Robert Genin (creator), Charley Chaplin (Ölg.), reproduced
in Hans Siemsen, Chaplin, Querschnitt, Berlin, 1/1921
& Goldrausch Poster
& „The Marching and Drilling and Field Manoeuvres Seem
to the Typical Nazi an Admirable Display of Vigor.“
(...) Drawing, New York Times, New York, Dec. 30, 1934
& Prodded by government orders out of Berlin,
the German Broadcasting Company is employing television
to widen the political propaganda value of sound
broadcast. Shown is a television outdoor pickup car, used to
transmit a Nazi demonstration from Tempelhofer Field.
(...) Photo, Motion Picture Herald, July 13, 1935
& Sergei M. Eisenstein on Cinema Quarterly Cover,
London, England, Winter 1934-1935
APPARENTLY tired of the frequent citing by Paul Joseph
Goebbbels, the Nazi propaganda chief, of „Potemkin“
as a work to be imitated, if possible, by the coordinated German
motion picture makers, Sergei M. Eisenstein, the director
of the great Russian naval film, recently wrote an open letter
to Dr. Goebbels. It is given as follows by the Pariser
Tageblatt, an émigré German newspaper edited by Georg
Bernhard in the French capital:
„I don‘t doubt that under the term ,Armored Cruiser‘ you
include not only ,Potemkin‘ but also the whole triumphant
development of our film art during the last few years. We all know
that only real life, the truth about life and the realistic
presentation of life can serve as the basis of genuine art.
„What a work of art a truthful film of Germany
of today could be! But truth and National Socialism cannot
be reconciled. He who is for truth cannot line up
with National Socialism. He who is for truth is against you!
„How do you dare, anyway, to talk about life
any place? You, who are bringing death and banishment
to everything living and everything good in your
country with the executioner‘s ax and the machine gun! You,
who are executing the best sons of the German
proletariat and are scattering to the four corners of the earth
all those constituting the pride of real German science
and of the cultured people of the whole world!
„How do you dare to ask your film artists to give
truthful pictures of life without enjoining them,
first of all, to trumpet forth to the world the torments of the
thousands who are being tortured to death in the
catacombs of your prisons and in the casements of your jails?
„Where do you find brazenness enough to talk
about the truth at all after you have erected
such a Babylonian tower of infamies and lies in Leipzig?“
(...) New York Times, New York, Dec. 30, 1934
& Der Leiter der Filmoberprüfstelle.
Berlin, den 7. Januar 1935.
Nr. 7578.
An die Landesregierungen.
Auf Grund der von dem Herrn Reichsminister für
Volksaufklärung und Propaganda angeordneten
Nachprüfung hat die Filmoberprüfstelle gemäß § 12 des
Lichtspielgesetzes vom 16. Februar 1934 am
1.Januar 1935 die Zulassung des Films:
Antragsteller: „Ifa“ Film-Verleih G.m.b.H Berlin, (zugelassen
von der Filmprüfstelle Berlin am 9. Januar 1926
unter Prüfnr. 12030) widerrufen. Demgemäß habe ich durch
Bekanntmachung im Deutschen Reichs- und
Preußischen Staatsanzeiger Nr. 5 und im Deutschen
Kriminalpolzeiblatt Nr. 2047 vom 7. Januar 1935
die Zulassung des Films außer Kraft gesetzt und die von der
Filmprüfstelle Berlin unter dem 9. Januar 1926
ausgestellten Zulassungskarten Nr. 12030 für ungültig
erklärt. (...) Seeger
& Nazis Ban Chaplin Film
Shown There Since 1926 (...)
BERLIN, Jan. 8. – Charlie Chaplin‘s „The Gold Rush“
has been banned by order of the propaganda
ministry. It was shown in Germany in 1926, when it scored
a triumphant success, Today it was announced that
„after reexamination by the censor it was ordered that the
permit granted in 1926 be canceled.“ No official
explanation was given, but film circles surmise that since
Chaplin is believed to be of Jewish extraction it was
banned as a part of the anti-Jewish campaign.
(...) Chicago Tribune, Chicago, Ill., Jan. 9, 1935.
Also in Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 9, 1935.
„The Gold Rush“ Barred as Being Contrary
to Nazi Philosophy. (...)
BERLIN, Jan. 8 (London Times Dispatch). – Charlie
Chaplin‘s film „The Gold Rush,“ which has been
shown here intermittently since 1926, at last has been banned
by an order from Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, Minister
of Propaganda. It was officially explained „the film does not
coincide with world philosophy of the present day
in Germany.“
The absence in recent years of any new Chaplin film has
spared the National Socialist government the
embarrassment of deciding whether it should ban the film
star‘s pictures from the German screen because
he is Jewish.
„The Gold Rush,“ which had an enormous success
in Germany in 1926, has been showing at a number
of small theatres specializing in the revival of famous films.
Chaplin received an enthusiastic reception when
he visited Berlin in 1931.
(...) New York Times, New York, Jan. 9, 1935
„Banned by Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels“
Editorial content. „Germany Bans Chaplin Film
Charlie Chaplin‘s The Gold Rush, which has been shown
in Germany intermittently since 1926, this week was
banned by Dr. Paul Joseph Goebbels, minister of propaganda.“
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