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One A. M. Clippings 33/56

Julian Johnson, Photoplay, New York, October 1916.

Edna Purviance

is one of the loveliest of film comediennes, noted for her clever

playing opposite Charlie Chaplin, toward whose success

in fame and fortune she has tremendously contributed. She was

born in Paradise Valley, Nev., was an Oakland (Cal.)

stenographer. and her screen pranks have aroused the risibles of hundreds of thousands. She is now assisting in Mutual


(...) Portrait, Photoplay, Aug. 1916

& JAY CITY FANNETTE. – I don‘t think you have the right

title on that play. If you have the first word right.

I can help you. Yes, pictures were in their infancy three years

ago. We did not run that contest. Alan Hale with

Famous Players. You think the Society for Prevention of

Cruelty to Goldfish ought to get after Charles

Chaplin after seeing „One A. M.“ How about Clara Young

in „Goodness Gracious“? 

(...) ANSWER DEPARTMENT, Motion Picture, Dec. 1916

„Come on back, Edna!“

Editorial content. „The Shadow Stage

      A Department of Photoplay Review.

      By Julian Johnson“ (...)

      „AS a matter of single-handed time-trifling

and one-man farce-juggling, Chaplin‘s

performance in One A. M. is of course the current record.

      No other human could detain an audience,

as Chaplin does, through two quite full reels of solo

performance in an interior set. Chaplin knows

this.So do all the other laugh-jugglers, but they‘ve never

pretended to be able to do it. Charlie‘s feat is like

that of some great vaudevillian, who can stop a whole review

every night for thirty minutes – and his unduplicatable


      Chaplin‘s one worth-while discovery is the most

astonishing bed of the centuries. it is one of

California‘s convenient (?) wall contrivances, and the things

it does for and to C. C. make risible history.

      Congratulations, Mr. Chaplin, on speaking your piece

so nicely, but – come on back, Edna!“

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