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Chaplin at Karno´s, NYC Clippings 41/51

New York Tribune, New York, December 13, 1910.

5th Avenue looking north from 42nd Street,

New York, undated, postcard, ebay

& Fifth Avenue, North from 42nd Street, New York,

1910, postcard, ebay

& A Night in a London Club Cast, in Charles Chaplin, My Life

in Pictures, London 1974

& AMERICAN (...) A Night at the Club

(...) New York Times, Dec. 13, 1910

& Nana, a new dancer, was the principal feature of the bill

at the American Music Hall, and another important

number was Frank Campeau in a one-act play called The Tin

Horn. Tom Terris and company appeared

in A Man‘s Shadow, and others on the bill were the Karno

comedy company, Sam J. Curtis and

company, the four Morins, and Jessie Broughton.

(...) New York Times, Dec. 13, 1910

& Grace La Rue will be the headliner at the American

Music Hall. Others will be Nana, the dancer;

the Four Norrins, divers and swimmers; Sam Curtis

and La Belle Nello.

(...) Evening World, Dec. 17, 1910

„Excellent bill“

Editorial content. „Mlle. Nana, the French dancer, made

a successful debut at the American Music Hall

yesterday. (...) „Others on the excellent bill of twenty-two numbers

were Frank Campeau and company, in The Tin

Horn, and the Karno Comedians in A Night at the Club.“

      American Theatre, 42nd Street West of Broadway, New York.

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