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Cruel, Cruel Love Clippings 1/28

Burlington Daily News, Burlington, Vermont, March 24, 1914.

Cruel, Cruel Love Scenes

& World in Motion (the theatre is part of the New Sherwood

Hotel building), exterior by day,

Burlington, circa 1913, Shorpy, detail

& Thursday, March 26th (...)

KEYSTONE .................. Cruel, Cruel Love

(...) Reel Life, March 14, 1914

& THURSDAY, MARCH 26th, 1914 (...)

KEYSTONE – Cruel, Cruel Love (Comedy)

(...) Moving Picture World, March 28, 1914

& Mutual Films. (...)

      Keystone. (...)

      Mch. 26. – Cruel, Cruel Love

(...) New York Clipper, March 21, 1914

& „Cruel, Cruel Love.“ (Keystone.

Mar 26.) – A sentimental man tries to poison

himself. The butler changes the poison

and the man‘s attempts to die cause some humor.

(...) Motion Picture News, March 28, 1914

Cruel, Cruel Love, Keystone“

Advertisement. „World in Motion“ (...)

      „Cruel, Cruel Love, Keystone“ (...)

      World in Motion Theatre, 124 Cherry Street, Burlington.

      Cruel, Cruel Love is

      released by Keystone March 26, 1914.


      Chaplin packt den Gehrock wieder aus. Für die

Rolle des Verzweifelten, der aus Liebeswahn Selbstmord

begeht. Täuschung erneut!

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